Create My Canvas

Magnet-Mounted Canvas Prints

Turn your photos into stunning canvas prints
Create My Canvas
4.9/5 Stars (90,000+ Reviews)
Simply peel and stick
Our canvas prints come with a magnet mounting backing, no need for nails that damage the wall.
Swap, slide and rotate
With the magnets you can easily rearrange and adjust the canvas prints on your wall.
Many different sizes
Choose from a variety of sizes, vertical and horizontal, ranging from 6''x8'' to 22''x44''.

Real Stretched Canvas

Ultra-clear Print
Tight & Durable Edges
Elastic Stretching
Ultra-clear Print
Tight & Durable Edges
Elastic Stretching

You’ll love Mixtiles, or we’ll return your money.

We’re sure you will love Mixtiles, but if for any reason you are not satisfied we will give you a full refund on your order.
“You've all heard me talk about these mixtiles but they really are the best!”
“I’ve always wanted to decorate our wall with family photos. This was the perfect touch.”
“One of my favorite parts of our home 🌿”
“I’m beyond happy with the way my Mixtiles canvas prints turned out!”
4.9 Stars on the App Store
90,000+ Ratings
TrustPilot score.
Rated Excellent on TrustPilot
10,000+ Reviews
All rights reserved. Mixtiles 2023.